Monday, December 26, 2011

Confidence and Contentment in 2012

Lots of changes are in store for 2012.

The biggest change is my diet. I will be switching from my current low carb diet to Weight Watchers. The reason for this is to give my body back some of the nutrients that it has been lacking as well as some variety food wise.

So follow me in 2012 while I make this change. Progress is on the way...

I have set 2 personal goals as well for myself in 2012.

1st personal goal is to run/walk my first 5k.

2nd personal goal is a new goal weight for this coming year. * New goal weight 160 lbs. That would give me a total loss of 65 lbs.

Whatever you decide to make your goals for 2012, I know you all will do amazing!! With support of one another we will do this and rob food of the power it has had over us!!

<3 Michelle


  1. I do think that diets where you can eat a greater variety is much better.

    Good luck!

  2. Yay for Weight Watchers! Can't wait to see your results!

  3. I think that's a great idea! Variety is important!

  4. I am a WW so I look forward to hearing how you feel about the program. I love it!!! I also can't wait for your post when you cross the finish line of your first 5k! It is an amazing feeling!!!
