Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1st

Can you believe that it is February already!!!???


I am ready for Spring. Warmer weather, being able to walk outside more often and sitting out on our deck soaking up some rays:-) Oh..sorry kind of lost myself for a minute day dreaming of warm Spring days/nights;)

I have to be honest, this week has been tough eating wise for me. I am pretty sure there will not be a loss this week for me. I am ok with that though. I am owning up to my choices, but do not regret them. I spent some wonderful time this weekend going out with my husband and children. Doing some shopping, enjoying coffee shops, and we ate out a few times...not always making the best choices, but I am owning up to them and will be able to handle the consequences whatever they may be on Friday at my weigh in.

February is going to be great month. I can just feel it:-) Just maybe not the first weigh in;)


  1. I am in Texas and we have had an amazingly warm winter but I am still looking forward to spring!
    February will be an awesome month for us!!

  2. Perfect's all in the attitude. It drives the actions.... Healthy living is a marathon. we are in it for the longhaul. :-)

  3. I cant wait for spring too :) I wanna start to train to run/Jog whatever i can lol.. I tried on the dreadmill but.. I just dont like the feeling i'd rather do it on ground LOL... And actually RUN somewhere hahah :) I cant believe its febuary already toO!

  4. I'm also looking forward to spring.. it's so amazing, it's the promise of a full summer.. months and months with outside activities :D
