Sunday, November 27, 2011


Today I feel amazing!! I know I will not loose any weight at my weigh in tomorrow, but I am ok with that!! I did the over eating to myself..I put the food in my mouth no one else!

So now its time to do something about it for next week.

I have my "MOJO" back and it feels great!

Have a great day everyone:)


  1. Getting your mojo back is so important! I think you and me have had the same struggles this week. :)

  2. Thanks for inspiring me. I too overate this week. The difference for me this time around is not berating myself for it. This time I am recognizing that there will be days even weeks when I am "off" plan- I just need to get back at it and do what I know how to do!!! I am glad you feel amazing!! You ARE amazing!!!
